Multicalendar 2017

Unique and special calendar that is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the launch of the Voyager mission. It is printed on transparent foil using screen printing technology to ensure its longevity. This calendar can be re-used in 2023 and further every +11, +11, +6 years.

The substrate of the Multicalendar 2017 is PET-GAG transparent polyester foil, which is produced in an environmentally friendly way. This material provides high print quality and excellent color reproduction, with a weight of 500g / m2. The calendar is printed with black and gold paint, and the transparency of the film allows you to adjust the substrate to the interior. The set is completed with red paper.

The Multicalendar 2017 has a format of 100x70 cm (39.37 x 27.55 in), and it contains various features, such as seasons, Gregorian calendar, Chinese calendar, and moon phases. It includes stars of the northern hemisphere (30-90 degrees), navigation of the north, total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, stars of the southern hemisphere (30-90 degrees), navigation of the south, Voyager 1 and 2 routes and distance from Earth, yin yang, and the Voyager Golden Record.

This calendar is an excellent choice for anyone who appreciates unique and artistic calendars and who is interested in space exploration and astronomy.

Still available

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  • CONTAINS- Seasons
    - Gregorian calendar
    - Chinese calendar
    - Moon phases
    1. Stars of the Northern Hemisphere, 30-90 degrees
    2. Navigation of the North
    3. Total solar eclipse August 21, 2017
    4. Stars of the southern hemisphere, 30-90 degrees
    5. Navigation of the South
    6.Voyager 1 and 2: route and distance from Earth
    - yin yang
    - Voyager Golden Record
Multicalendar 2017
Multicalendar 2017
Multicalendar 2017
Multicalendar 2017